Manual for Olipartner SMTP Relay Creator

molntjänster för företag och förenmngarThe program for creating users is called Olipartner SMTP Relay Creator @ rCloud and the program looks like this. 
You should have recieved instructions on how to access rCloud services in a separate email from us.

smtp relay manual olipartner

Please fill in all fields if possible, the ones marked with stars and in bold are mandatory.

The first box* (Leverantörens namn) is the name of your reseller company and this will be inserted into the email in the subject line. 
The second box* (Epost avsändaradress) is the email sender address for the device ( 
The third box (Display name) is the display name of the email (Scanner @ Example]
The fourth box* (Kontaktperson namn) i the First name and Last name ogf the contact person at the customer site.
The fifth box (Kotaktperson mobil) is the cell phone number to the contact.
The sixth box * (Epostadress för användaruppgifter) is the contacts email address . This is also where the email is sent containging the username and password for the device! 
The seventh box * (Företag) is the clients company name
The boxes 8 - 12 are the clients address and country.
The checkboxes * below (Avtalslängd i månader) are for the lentgh of the contract in months.
The last box is the body of the email sent to the client and this body can be modified to contain whatetever you like. 

Here's is the default email body of you do not change anything in it 

Välkommen till Red Cloud IT.

Vi har nu aktiverat er SMTP relay.

Inställningar för konfiguration av t.ex en scanner:
Server =
(IP Adress =, vi rekommenderar dock starkt ni använder DNS namnet)

Använd port = 465 eller 587

Använd SSL/StartTLS/TLS

OBS VIKTIGT: Om ni satt upp ett sk SPF record måste ni även lägga till våra servrar i detta. I det scenariot bör servern samt IP adresserna och läggas till.

Nedan är ett EXEMPEL på ett giltigt SPF record
v=spf1 mx a ip4: ip4: –all

Användarnamn och lösenord finns med i det här mailet.

För att ändra lösenord, surfa till

För first line support, vänligen kontakta er lokala tjänstepartner för Olipartner. se

För frågor kring Red Cloud ITs molntjänster för företag och föreningar, kontakta oss på eller se vår hemsida,

Hi. Welcome to Red Cloud IT.
Your SMTP Relay service is now activated.
Settings for configuration are as follows.

Server = (IP address, we highly recommend you use the DNS name )

Use ports 465 or 587

Use SSL/StartTLS / TLS

Username and password should be included in this email.
To change the password, please go to

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have an SPF record set up and intend to use your own mail domain as the sender address, please remember to add our server and IP addresses to that SPF record.
The entries to add to your SPF record should be and and

Below is an EXAMPLE of a valid SPF record
v=spf1 mx a ip4: ip4: –all

For first line support, please contact your local Olipartner supplier from

For questions regarding Red Cloud IT’s other cloud services, please feel free drop us an email at or visit our homepage at”

Click the button name "Skapa användare"

Now, usernames and passwords will be emailed to the customer and we will receive an email about the creation of a user as will Olipartner


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